Madrasa’s Social Capital in the Context of Hilly Communities Dynamics

The Case of Madrasa Maarif Kokap in Yogyakarta, Indonesia


  • Ahmad Salim Alma Ata University
  • Nik Md. Saiful Azizi Bin Nik Abdullah International Islamic University Malaysia



madrasa, social capital, dynamic, hilly community, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta


This article discusses the social capital of Madrasa Maarif Kokap in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in its dynamic relationship with the surrounding hilly communities. Using Putnam’s social capital theory, this study analyses the close relationship between beliefs, norms and networks with the development of the madrasa. Methodologically, this study used observation and in-depth interviews with 14 selected respondents to collect data. The data was then analysed using a qualitative approach that is enriched with a sociological ethno-science strategy. The result of the study shows that social capital affects the madrasa in its development of academic and non academic programmes. The madrasa has to maintain its social capital as an instrument to fulfil its goals. Many madrasa strive to maintain its respective social capital, preserve norms that will become the legacy of its respective community as well as build trust and enlarge its network with its respective community.

Author Biography

Ahmad Salim , Alma Ata University

Assistant Professor in the Department of Islamic Education, Alma Ata University


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How to Cite

Ahmad Salim, & Nik Md. Saiful Azizi Bin Nik Abdullah. (2021). Madrasa’s Social Capital in the Context of Hilly Communities Dynamics: The Case of Madrasa Maarif Kokap in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies, 4(2), 113–136.