The Reforming Political Islam

A Critical Reading of Aḥmad al-Raysūnī’s Perspectives


  • Mohamed Zacky International Islamic University, Malaysia
  • M. Moniruzzaman International Islamic University, Malaysia



Islamic Political Thought, Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿa, Ahmed al-Raissouni, Islamic State


This paper critically analyses how Aḥmad al-Raysūnī employs the maqāṣid approach in reforming the concept of ‘Islamic State’ of Political Islam. Al-Raysūnī argues that the concept of Islamic State has many conceptual lapses which threaten the foundations of the Islamic world view. He further suggests that those conceptual issues can be overcome by developing a new understanding on the state and its role based on the maqāṣid approach. However, this paper notes that the perspectives of al-Raysūnī did not produce a holistic critique on the foundations of the theory of Islamic state as such. It is because the maqāṣid approach and its constituent elements such as maṣlaḥa and mafsada, wasīla and maʾālāt, which al-Raysūnī uses as his analytical framework, do not cover the analytical depth required to study modern political concepts such as state, law, and sovereignty that are rooted in highly philosophical arguments. Hence, this paper highlights the need for developing a new analytical model that can help to build critical Islamic perspectives while taking foundational, conceptual and philosophical considerations of modern socio-political concepts into account.

Author Biography

M. Moniruzzaman, International Islamic University, Malaysia

M. Moniruzzaman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur



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How to Cite

Zacky, M., & M. Moniruzzaman. (2021). The Reforming Political Islam: A Critical Reading of Aḥmad al-Raysūnī’s Perspectives . IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies, 4(1), 82–102.