Muslim Dynamics in America: Challenges and Opportunities


  • Dinar Kania Paramadina Post Graduate School of Diplomacy
  • Ariesa Ulfa Paramadina Post Graduate School of Diplomacy



American Muslims are faced with immense challenges, yet there are also opportunities within these challenges that have resulted in the emergence of various Muslim intellectual organisations in the United States of America. This paper aims to describe and analyse the challenges and opportunities for Muslims in America and the role of American Muslim intellectual organisations in both domestic and global issues. The result shows that Muslims in the United States (US) still need to bear the issue of Islamophobia with its related physical and psychological threats. American Muslims will also need to face the ideological and intellectual challenges to revitalise Islamic teachings so that Islam can be properly understood by the American society. The influence of Islamophobia in US government policy and foreign policy are enormous, especially since it relates to counterterrorism policy. However, opportunities for American Muslims to gain higher education and careers in various fields remain wide open. The contribution of Muslim intellectual organisations to the American society and global society has always been present and cannot be neglected. Concerning the future, intellectual Muslims in the US who currently tend to unite and work together seem to be intensifying their research and education programmes as well as consolidating various Muslim communities in the US.


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How to Cite

Kania, D., & Ulfa, A. . (2020). Muslim Dynamics in America: Challenges and Opportunities. IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies, 3(2), 154–180.