Human Value in Islamic Thought


  • selim saruhan Ankara University



This paper analyses the value of a human being from an Islamic viewpoint. From the perspective of Islamic thought, a human being is characterised as an intelligent being or creature. As a natural result of this characterisation, a human being has the capability of transforming the subject of his knowledge into action. In this respect, the will to know and the tendency to do is the most basic need and, therefore, the right of all human beings. The worldly life is a field of values through which Man will win his afterlife. In this field of values, we encounter the freedom of choice, which is one of the basic requirements of human freedom and a moral existence. The world is also an area of gains in a way. This article attempts to determine the criteria of human worth and value in Islamic thought. Accordingly, it explains the awareness of differences that lead to the realisation of God’s existence.



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How to Cite

saruhan, selim. (2020). Human Value in Islamic Thought. IIUM Journal of Religion and Civilisational Studies, 3(2), 123–138.