Challenges of ‘Awrah Coverage for Muslim Women Athletes in Malaysia: A Qualitative Review


  • Ahmad Akram Mahmad Robbi
  • Saidatolakma Mohd Yunus



Sharī‘ah law provides a specific ruling that requires every Muslim to cover his/her ‘awrah. The prohibition of disclosing ‘awrah is derived from the Qur’an and practices of Prophet Muhammad and his companions. Nevertheless, covering ‘awrah is difficult for women, especially when it comes to involvement in sports activities or competitions. Based on a qualitative research method that uses observation and document analysis, this study explores the challenges related to ‘awrah faced by Muslim female athletes in Malaysia. There are several issues regarding the ‘awrah of Muslim female athletes, which include the non-Sharī‘ah compliant attire that Muslim female athletes are made to wear for certain competitions. Other issues are the mingling in coaching sessions between different genders, and the suitability for Muslim women to participate in competitions as well as the lack of enforcement of Sharī‘ah-compliant dress code.

Keywords: Sharī‘ah, athlete, Muslim, sports, ‘awrah.


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How to Cite

Mahmad Robbi, A. A., & Mohd Yunus, S. . (2024). Challenges of ‘Awrah Coverage for Muslim Women Athletes in Malaysia: A Qualitative Review. Intellectual Discourse, 32(1).