Effective Marketing Turnaround Strategies in PISB


  • Shin Thed Tin Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology
  • Professor Dr University Utara Malaysia


In the dynamic landscape of the nutraceutical industry, Paradigm Industry Sdn. Bhd. (PISB) faces the imperative to refine its marketing strategies to align with evolving customer demands and industry trends. Situated in Klang Sentral, Malaysia, PISB operates as a pivotal player in nutraceutical-based trading and manufacturing. This case study delves into the pivotal challenges encountered by PISB and elucidates the transformative measures implemented to fortify its market presence. At the core of the narrative lies the indispensability of effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Through a meticulous analysis, the case underscores how CRM efficacy serves as the linchpin for sustained customer satisfaction and loyalty amidst an increasingly competitive milieu. Furthermore, the case study delineates the profound impact of re-mapping future New Product Development (NPD) initiatives. By leveraging insights gleaned from CRM analytics and astute market assessments, PISB embarks on a strategic trajectory to conceptualise and introduce novel products that resonate with evolving consumer needs and market dynamics. Upon delving into this case study, readers gain a nuanced understanding of the pivotal role of CRM effectiveness, the imperatives of re-strategising market positioning in nutraceutical businesses, and the transformative impact of re-mapping NPD endeavours. Through the lens of PISB's journey, this case study serves as a beacon for organisations navigating the intricacies of the dynamic nutraceutical landscape, offering actionable insights to fortify market resilience and drive sustained growth.




How to Cite

Tin, S. T., & Othman, Z. (2024). Effective Marketing Turnaround Strategies in PISB. IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 15(2). Retrieved from https://journals.iium.edu.my/ijcsm/index.php/jcsm/article/view/252