About the Journal
The IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management is an internationally refereed journal published twice yearly (January & August) by the Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia.
The journal promotes case studies in the field of management. However, the editorial committee may receive a case study that is superficially related to “management” (MG), whereas its contents are directly related to another discipline. For example, a case study on “Financial Management” (FM). It is more linked to finance than management because the case contains a core issue on finance or financial management, not management. The word “management” in FM does not change the FM discipline to MG. FM is not MG, and vice versa but the two disciplines can be inter-related. To make the FM case fit the journal, the case author must reshape it towards “management” although the core issue of finance or FM remains.
The same explanation can be offered, for instance to “Marketing” or “Marketing Management” (MM). The word “management” in MM does not change the discipline of MM to MG. To make the MM case fit the journal, the case author must reshape it towards “management” although the core issue of marketing or MM remains.
Case studies provide certain educational objectives. While academic papers are more inclined towards enhancing knowledge and understanding in the areas, case studies inculcate applied-based learning and the acquisition of (problem-solving and decision-making) skills. In management, textbooks normally publish decision-making or problem-solving case studies.
The cases can be used by instructors, trainers, coaches, and students in certificates, diploma, bachelor, master’s in business administration, business management, or similar programmes. They may also be used for training and executive development.
Authors are highly encouraged to submit cases that deal with management issues in the Asia-Pacific region.
Type of access:
Open access. This is due to the maximum dissemination of the management cases published in the journal. However, the instructors of the cases are expected to acknowledge the journal while using the cases for class discussion.
Review Process:
Currently, every submitted case is reviewed by two experts in the area using a double-blind reviewing process. The editorial makes the final decision on whether the case would be accepted or rejected based on the recommendations of both reviewers.
Publication Process:
After completion of the reviewing process, if a case is accepted by the editorial board, it will be sent for copyediting followed by the publication of the case. At this moment, only soft copies of the cases are published through the journal website.
Publication Fee:
No publication fees are charged.
Publication Ethics:
IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management (IJCSM), a high quality management case journal, published by the International Islamic University Malaysia, Â has been publishing case studies on management since 2010.
While publishing, IJCSM adheres to the following code of ethics throughout its publication history:
- IJCSM does not charge any publication fees from the authors
- IJCSM treats all submitted articles equally
- All cases submitted at IJCSM are double-blind, peer-reviewed professionally. The editorial team's decision on a paper largely depends upon the reviewers' comments and their recommendations. A third reviewer's evaluation is sought when no clear decision has emerged from the first two reviewers' reports. IJCSM maintains confidentiality of reviewers' identities at all time
- Authorships are limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the work
- IJCSM never publishes any plagiarised work and takes the matter very seriously. In case of plagiarism, the concerned author is notified and he/she is barred from any future submission.
- Self-plagiarism is not condoned either. An author cannot submit essentially the same materials which have been published elsewhere
- It is highly unethical to submit an article concurrently to more than one journal
- The authors must not infringe any copyright. While preparing the paper, if any copyrighted materials are used, it is the author's responsibility to seek permission from the copyright owners. Any breach of copyright will result in the retraction of the published paper
- In the reviewing process, if any reviewer finds a conflict of interest, he/she will not be reviewing the manuscript and will return the manuscript to the IJCSM desk