Birth Control in Singapore: A Juristic Maqasidic Study


  • Fatimah Karim IIUM
  • Siti Aisyah Binte Yusup



Keywords: Birth Control, Singapore, Islamic Jurisprudence, Maqasid Shariah.


Birth control or contraceptive is a topic rarely discussed openly within the Muslim community in Singapore despite its importance as a method of family planning. It is misunderstood as an action that hinders reproduction in marriage and has caused uncertainty about its permissibility among Muslims. This research aims to explore the practice of birth control in Singapore while discerning the Islamic Jurisprudence and Maqasid Shariah standpoint. This research applies inductive and descriptive methods to derive the relevant religious information pertaining the practice of birth control in Singapore, while the analytical and quantitative methods are used to analyze the knowledge, practice and problems faced by Singapore Muslims on birth control. As a result of all findings, the majority of the classical and contemporary Muslim jurists believed that temporary birth control measure is permissible if it is mutually agreed by the wife and husband, the condition of being pregnant will endanger the life of the wife and the substances used are accepted by the Shariah. In addition to that, the permissibility of birth control weighs on safeguarding the mother’s life from any forms of harm and her lineage which are the main objectives of Maqasid Shariah. Additionally, the quantitative survey has shown that the majority of Singapore Muslims are aware of birth control and have practiced it. This research will educate its readers on the permissibility of birth control and the application of Maqasid Shariah together with the stand of birth control in Singapore while promoting awareness of the guidelines in choosing a birth control measure set by Muslim jurists.



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How to Cite

Karim, F., & Siti Aisyah Binte Yusup. (2024). Birth Control in Singapore: A Juristic Maqasidic Study. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 7(2), 330–357.