Ethics from the perspective of Qur’an-Sunnah and the impact of digital world on students’ ethics in the modern time
Ethics, Impacts, Digital world, Students, Internet, Social mediaAbstract
The current age and world are referred to as the "Digital Age" and "Digital World," respectively. We are the residents of this digital universe. Digitalization influences every aspect of our lives. Technological progress has made lives easier and more beautiful. We are surrounded by digital technology from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. The Internet, smartphone, computer, or smart television is our constant companion. Nonetheless, his digitization of technology is also abused. which has a significant effect on adolescents and young students. Today, their ethics are on the verge of extinction. The goal of this study is to find out what bad things digital technology is doing to students right now so that students can be protected from these bad things in the future and their moral character can improve. The study is qualitative in nature, employing the textual analysis method to describe the ethics and examine the impact of digital world on students’ ethics in the modern time while describing its impact through the examination of articles, journals, books, previous research, reports, newspapers, and internet sources. This study provides a review of related literature on the topic by examining databases such as Google Scholar.
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