البنية الأخلاقية في التراث الإسلامي المبكر دراسة مقارنة بين الإمام والماوردي والأصفهاني والغزالي

A comparative study between Imam, Al-Mawardi, Al-Isfahani and Al-Ghaz


  • Yosria Ibrahim Taha Ali Student
  • Berghout Abdelaziz




e paper analyses the concept of ethics in the early Islamic heritage with the focusing on three prominent Muslims scholars, namely: Imam Al-Isfahani, Al-Ghazali, Al-Mawardi who played a significance role in deliberating the concept. The study statement of the problem is to answer the following questions: What is the core and concept of ethics in the mentioned scholars' views; what is the basis of the concept according to each them and what is their contributions to the concept of Islamic ethics.

These prominent scholars in the field of Islamic ethics applied the Qur'anic view to present illustrious concept shows the importance of ethics and their social spheres. Hence, the paper depends on inductive analytical methodology to illustrate and analyses the concept of ethics and its basis in order to understand the interrelated dimensions for those scholars' views whether are descriptive, educational, juristic or practical one so the study is limited to the three mentioned scholars.

The study objectives are: explaining the concept of ethics and its basis deep root according to these scholars. Accordingly, the paper concludes that the concept of ethics is strongly present in the early Islamic heritage particularly in the works of the three scholars' examples and contributions. Further, it worth mentioning that they are pioneers who put forward the framework of defining the ethics according to Islamic norms that were governed by Islam teachings where its authenticity is ascertained strongly on wisdom, bravery, justice and integrity.

Keynote: Ethics.. Ethics Structure Basis.. The early Islamic Heritage.



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How to Cite

Yosria Ibrahim Taha Ali, & Berghout Abdelaziz. (2022). البنية الأخلاقية في التراث الإسلامي المبكر دراسة مقارنة بين الإمام والماوردي والأصفهاني والغزالي: A comparative study between Imam, Al-Mawardi, Al-Isfahani and Al-Ghaz. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 6(2), 71–97. https://doi.org/10.31436/alrisalah.v6i2.397