Syed Anwer Ali and his Methodological Approaches in Tafsīr “Qur’ān the Fundamental Law of Human Life”


  • Zonera Ghafoor
  • Radwan Jamal Elatrash



Syed Anwer, Qur’ān the Fundamental Law, Methodology


TafsīrQur’ān the Fundamental Law of Human Life” is an English Qur’ānic commentary by Syed Anwer Ali. This work is primarily inspired by Urdu and English commentaries written in 20th century. Although it is considered an elaborate work on tafsīr, no research has so far been conducted to explore its methodological pattern or to provide a critical analysis of this commentary. This study aims at dissecting the structure and analyzing the general methodological pattern of this commentary. More specifically, current study provides a comprehensive introduction of Syed Anwer Ali and his literary contributions, a brief introduction of his Qur’ānic commentary, the basic features and methodological analysis of this commentary. The methodological analysis reveals that Syed Anwer has not solely relied on the conventional method of tafīsr but he used a hybridized approach by aggregating conventional and modern methods. The structural dissection of this commentary reveals that it is seemingly inspired from the Urdu commentaries of 20th century and his adopted methodology is consistent with the existing prominent tafāsīr originated from the subcontinent.


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Ahmad, Israr. “Qur’ānic Studies: An Introduction”. Kuala Lumpur: Zaman Islam Media, 2000.

“A Brief Biography of Syed Anwer,” Last modified March 4,2017.

Ali, Anwer .S. “Unpublished autobiography”.

Ali, Anwer .S. “Bootam” . Karachi: Syed Publishers, 1974.

Ali, Anwer .S. “Qur’ān The fundamental law of human life”. Vol 2. Karachi: Hamdard Foundation Press, 1984.

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How to Cite

Zonera Ghafoor, & Radwan Jamal Elatrash. (2021). Syed Anwer Ali and his Methodological Approaches in Tafsīr “Qur’ān the Fundamental Law of Human Life”. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 5(3), 335–354.

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