Protecting children from the crime of kidnapping and murder according to Algerian legislation


  • Imene Rahmani رحماني إيــــــمان
  • Asma Akli Soualhi أسماء أكلي صــــــوالحــــــي



Kidnapping, killing, children, human rights.


The research seeks to highlight the importance of protecting children's lives from the crime of kidnapping and murder, since the life of each child is important as one of the reasons and foundations for the sustainability of humanity on Earth, taking into account the young age of this group of society in general who are without a ruse or guilt until such kind of violations occurred  and fallen on them. This paper aims at discussing the issue of kidnapping and killing children, searching for Algerian legal texts that stop this kind of crime and provide maximum protection for children, their inherent right to life and to a healthy life, and searching for the true reasons leading to the existence of this crime up till the hour. And to look for legal shortcomings in legislative texts, if any. Thus, to highlight this type of crime, so that society in general can take advantage of it, which will make a simple contribution to reducing this phenomenon and to highlighting its features and features, especially its seriousness, in an integrated research approach, by adopting both the inductive approach to follow the laws and its stability in the subject matter of research to indicate the bases that it governs. Analytical descriptive approach: To analyze the legal texts examined.


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How to Cite

رحماني إيــــــمان I. R., & أسماء أكلي صــــــوالحــــــي A. A. S. (2020). Protecting children from the crime of kidnapping and murder according to Algerian legislation. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 4(2), 1–25.



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