The Maxim of Getting out of the Jurisprudential Dispute: Its Concept, Relationship to Other Terms and Response to the Problems Raised Against It

قاعدة الخروج من الخلاف الفقهي: مفهومها وعلاقتها بالمصطلحات الأخرى والرد على الإشكالات الواردة عليها


  • Ashurov Ilkhom Phd Student, Dept. of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, Abdul Hamid Abu Sulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Arif Ali Arif Prof., Dept. of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, Abdul Hamid Abu Sulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia



Getting out of Dispute, Precaution, Piety


This research aims to explain the concept of the maxim of “Getting out of the Jurisprudential Dispute”, and to clarify its ruling, legitimacy, conditions, and its connection with other terms of murāʽāt al-khilāf (taking into account the dispute) and iḥtiyāṭ (precaution), in addition to responding to the problems that are raised against it and showing its importance in narrowing the gap of jurisprudential differences in sub-issues. The problem of the research lies in the fact that jurisprudential disputes lead to difference, division, and sectarian (madhhabī) fanaticism, which lead to division and rupture among Muslims. Therefore, the researchers decided to present a study that contributes to solving this problem, in order to narrow the circle of disagreement and expand the circle of consensus. The researchers used the inductive approach to collect information related to the research, and the analytical approach to analyze the opinions of jurists and to give preference to one of them in order to get out of the dispute. The study concluded with results, the most important of which are: that getting out of jurisprudential disputes means taking caution from the opinions of scholars when they differ; and that the scholars are unanimously agreed on the desirability of getting out of the dispute; and that how to get out of the dispute varies according to the type of dispute.


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How to Cite

Ilkhom, A., & Ali Arif, A. (2022). The Maxim of Getting out of the Jurisprudential Dispute: Its Concept, Relationship to Other Terms and Response to the Problems Raised Against It: قاعدة الخروج من الخلاف الفقهي: مفهومها وعلاقتها بالمصطلحات الأخرى والرد على الإشكالات الواردة عليها. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh Studies, 6(2), 6–18.



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