The Qur’an, Basic Scientific Research and Technology (Perspective)


  • Zafar Ahsan




The Qur’an is a complete code covering all aspects of life, whether spiritual, intellectual, political, social, economic or scientific. It is a code which has no boundaries of time, place or nation. These messages are spread throughout the Qur’an in a variety of ways, such as direct stipulation, reminders of Allah’s favors in His creation, stories of past communities followed by the lessons which have to be learned from them, and allusions to knowledge that has subsequently been proven as fact through modern scientific methods. This paper is a reading of selected verses in the Qur’an that relate to scientific research and technology. Based on the reading, it concludes that the Qur’an encourages an engagement with scientific research and technological innovations and development.


Keywords: Big bang model, solar energy, escape velocity, flight of birds, elementary particles



Asasnya, kitab al-Qur’an ialah satu kod lengkap bagi seluruh aspek kehidupan, sama ada spiritual, intelektual, politik, sosial, ekonomi atau saintifik. Kod ini tidak dibatasi oleh ruang masa, tempat atau bangsa. Mesej ini dipaparkan secara meluas dalam al-Quran melalui pelbagai cara seperti pensyaratan secara terus, peringatan tentang kemurahan Allah terhadap ciptaan-Nya, cerita tentang komuniti lampau disusuli dengan pengajaran yang perlu dipelajari dan beberapa petanda berkenaan dengan ilmu sains moden. Dalam bab ini, daripada ayat-ayat al-Qur’an, dirumuskan bahawa al-Qur’an menggalakkan kita untuk menceburkan diri dalam penyelidikan asas saintifik dan selepas itu kita perlu memikirkan inovasi teknologi dan kemajuan.


Kata kunci: model Big bang, tenaga solar, halaju lepas, sekawan burung, zarah unsur 




How to Cite

Ahsan, Z. (2013). The Qur’an, Basic Scientific Research and Technology (Perspective). Revelation and Science, 3(01).