Islamic View on Good Life: Dialogue with Philosophy of Modern Technology


  • Amana Raquib




Throughout the colonial and postcolonial eras, the Muslim world has been trying to come to terms with modernity. The process has been conflict-ridden, tending to veer sharply between unquestioning acceptance and strong resistance. This paper reviews the development of the philosophy of technology in the West and explores the idea that the current state of the discourse may present an opportunity for Muslims to enter into a fruitful dialogue with modern technology in their own societies. The paper identifies three developments in the Western discourse that would enable such dialogue: (1) the view that technology is not, as once was thought, value-neutral, but the expression of a society’s perception of reality; (2) the concern that technology is no longer regarded as a means to ends but as the end-in-itself; and (3) the idea that technology can and should be shaped by religious-social values. The paper assesses the consonance between these new ways of looking at technology and traditional Islamic values, and considers their implications for Muslims thinkers. It suggests that for the dialogue to take place, Muslim thinkers will need to develop insight into the ontological, epistemological, social and moral issues of technology, redefine fundamental concepts to deal with technology, and work out new ways of entering into dialogue and collaborating with fellow Muslims. The paper concludes that, approached in the right way, the Islamic paradigm of the good life could serve as a model for the rest of the world.


Keywords: Progress, Mas?lah?a, Maq?s?id al-Sharia, Philosophy of technology, Value laden-ness of Technology



Teknologi telah menyelubungi kehidupan kita sama ada secara eksplisit ataupun implisit dan menjadi sebahagian daripada budaya hidup dan fitrah manusia. Kesukaran untuk menghubungkaitkan corak teknologi moden dan implikasinya dalam kerangka falsafah adalah ibarat hendak menyedarkan ikan dengan kehadiran air di sekelilingnya. Dunia kita hari ini umpama dunia yang diselubungi teknologi dan pada dasarnya cara kita berhubung dengan dunia persekitaran adalah melalui medium teknologi. Hal ini telah menimbulkan soal etika, epistemologi dan ontologi. Dunia teknologi dicorakkan berdasarkan aturan tertentu dari segi operasi lahiriah dan adat yang bermain di sebalik tabirnya. Justeru, memahami dan mengkaji signifikannya teknologi serta ciri-ciri khususnya ialah syarat penting bagi memahami kedinamikan dunia yang kita diami dan melaksanakan reformasi terhadap teknologi yang selari dengan prinsip, nilai atau kepercayaan selain daripada yang moden.


Kata kunci: Kemajuan, Mas?lah?a, Maq?s?id al-Sharia, Falsafah teknologi, Teknologi berisi nilai




How to Cite

Raquib, A. (2012). Islamic View on Good Life: Dialogue with Philosophy of Modern Technology. Revelation and Science, 2(01).