Inter-Religious Dialogue Forum on Happiness in Times of Trials: Covid-19 Pandemic from the Perspectives of Islam, Christianity and Buddhism


  • Fatmir Shehu



Face2Faith3.0: Inter-Religious Dialogue Forum was held virtually through Google Meet on Friday, 28th May 2021. The forum began at 3:30p.m, and ended at 5:30p.m. Its main theme was “Happiness in Times of Trials - Covid-19 Pandemic, from the perspectives of Islam, Christianity and Buddhism”. The forum was organized by the students of Inter-Religious Dialogue with the guidance of course Instructor, Assoc Prof Dr. Fatmir Shehu, Department of Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, IIUM. It has addressed means and ways of achieving happiness in the era of Covid-19 Pandemic challenges through and within the lens of religious teachings, particularly Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.




How to Cite

Shehu, F. . (2021). Inter-Religious Dialogue Forum on Happiness in Times of Trials: Covid-19 Pandemic from the Perspectives of Islam, Christianity and Buddhism. Revelation and Science, 11(1).