Post Vaginal Delivery with Impending Silent Abdominal Catastrophe: A Case of Vernix Caseosa Peritonitis
vernix caseosa, peritonitis, radiological imaging, diagnostic laparoscopic, steroids, IVIG, anti-inflammatoryAbstract
Vernix caseosa peritonitis (VCP) is a rare condition previously thought to be a complication of Caesarean section caused by the spillage of amniotic fluid and or meconium into the maternal peritoneal cavity during operation.1 This triggered an inflammatory reaction symptom such as an acute abdomen. A total of 34 cases has been reported since 1976.2 Nine of the 10 cases reported have been diagnosed in postpartum period after uneventful Caesarean section and only three reported cases of antenatal leakage since in 1998.3 VCP following vaginal delivery was first reported in 2013, involving a 28 year old with one previous scar who developed acute abdomen symptoms as early as 3 hours post vacuum delivery, with initial diagnosis of possible uterine scar rupture.4 Here we report a case of VCP in a post spontaneous vaginal delivery who presented with impending catastrophe and survived the ordeal.
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