The Multi-Agent System in Web Services


  • Najhan M.Ibrahim Department of Information Systems, Kulliyyah of ICT, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Mohd Fadzil Hassan Ahmad Ibrahim Kuliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Muhammad Amrullah DRS Nasrul Department of Computer and Information Sciences Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Bandar Seri Iskandar, 32610, Perak, Malaysia



Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web services, Java Agent Development Framework (JADE), Web Service Integration Gateway (WSIG), Multi-agent system (MAS)


The term "service-oriented architecture" (SOA) refers to a software paradigm for creating systems made up of a variety of services that interact with one another to accomplish a certain task. The communications involve more than just transmitting data back and forth; they also connect two or more services to coordinate the required operations. Cross-platform communication is necessary for the coordinating process when services are spread across several platforms. Several web service standards and specifications are used in the present SOA implementation. Based on the prototype's implementation and simulation, this proposed research study has been validated and evaluated.  The suggested cross-platform communications architecture is implemented using NetBeans, JADE, WSIG, and OWL-S. An integrated development environment for Java is offered by Oracle in the form of NetBeans. Telecom Italia's Java Agent DEvelopment Framework (JADE) is an agent software framework that is entirely built in the Java language. Web Service Integration Gateway (WSIG), which helps to facilitate JADE agent services being called by Web service clients. The core fundamental engine of the suggested framework is OWL-S. It is a web ontology language used to describe Semantic Web Services in the Semantic Web's OWL-based framework. A quantitative approach is used in this study's performance analysis and comparative investigation for evaluation and validation. The prototype's major element is the Java agent development framework (JADE), which was used to create a multi-agent system for the agent-based MOM framework that has been presented.  The creation of the multi-agent systems was facilitated by the JADE platform. JADE 3.7 was the version that was employed. Two key features of JADE are a FIPA-compliant agent platform and a package for creating Java agents. The implementation results show that the proposed agent-based MOM framework was successful communicate between multiple types of SOA application with a better performance of the average of round-trip time where the proposed framework was successful in responding to all the requests.


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How to Cite

M.Ibrahim, N., Hassan, M. F., & DRS Nasrul, M. A. (2024). The Multi-Agent System in Web Services. International Journal on Perceptive and Cognitive Computing, 10(1), 40–50.