Design and Development of a Pothole Tracking System (PotAlert) using Web Progressive Application (WPA)
Pothole detector, Pothole tracker, PotholesAbstract
Potholes and deteriorating road conditions are seen as a public disturbance. This paper presents the design and development of PotAlert, which is a progressive web application (PWA)-based pothole tracking system. The application was developed to encourage road users and the authorities to communicate and exchange information concerning the presence of potholes on the road. The purpose of the application is to give road users a way to help the authority enhance public safety. This is to ensure that problems regarding potholes in Malaysia’s road infrastructure are effectively addressed. From the perspective of the authorities, the system shall aid in the automation of management reports, ensuring that they are arranged and kept properly in order to efficiently handle work orders and contact road workers. As an outcome of the project, the PotAlert system was deployed and tested within its constraints setting. Due to the difficulty in acquiring actual data during the pandemic, the system was evaluated using dummy pothole data. The system needs to be further improved and evaluated in the future using actual data and settings.
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