A Depression Diagnostic System using Lexicon-based Text Sentiment Analysis
Extraction, Lexicon-based sentiment analysis, Depression classification, Social media analytics, Text miningAbstract
Clinical psychologists typically diagnose depression via a face-to-face session, applying depression diagnostic criteria. However, past literature revealed that most patients would not seek help from doctors at the early stage of depression, resulting in a declination of their mental health condition. Many people feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts online through social media platforms in today's modern digital era. Since then, many researchers have studied using social media to predict mental health conditions. To the extent of our knowledge, there is no study related to the experimentation of online depression diagnostic systems using text from social media platforms available for individuals. Our study presented in this paper has two-fold: i) enhancing existing lexicon-based methods by formulating a more accurate classification function for detecting depressive text from a social media platform, and ii) developing a depression diagnostic system embedded with our improved lexicon method for individuals to visualize their depression state instantly via an online interface. The depression lexicon developed in this study was validated by psychologists who have relevant domain knowledge in depression. Our experimented lexicon-based method achieved a precision of 77% and an F1-score of 74% in classifying depression state. In addition, we also found that depressed person uses more offensive words and are more aggressive when they communicate.
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