A Study Of Dosteo Bisaka’s Contribution To The “Faith Of Unity” Religious Movement In Western Uganda
This study attempts to discuss the emergence of a new religious movement in Uganda called Faith of Unity (FoU). The goal of this paper is to explore why and how FoU emerged and became a dominant religion in Uganda. This study is crucial because it reveals the various approaches of Dosteo Bisaka (the founder of FoU) and his contributions to FoU. It highlights the vision of FoU and identifies the factors that contributed to forming FoU as one of the dominant religious movements in Uganda. The research follows both descriptive and analytical approaches while addressing the topic. It finds FoU to be a suitable example of a new religion in the African contour - albeit having many similarities with Christianity - that emerged as a response to the destitution caused by colonialism in African societies. Last but not least, this paper acknowledges various challenges in studying FoU.
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