Methods of Calculation for Solving the Issues of Obligatory Will: An Inductive, Analytical and Comparative Study

الطرق الحسابية في حل مسائل الوصية الواجبة: دراسة استقرائية تحليلية مقارنة


  • Shireen Akram Saeed Lecturer, College of Laws, al-Nahrain University, Iraq



Wills, the amount of the required will, inheritance, will by revelation, calculation


The research aims to highlight the way of calculation of obligatory will and how to estimate its quantity, since the Arab laws that established this will do not clarify the extraction method of its calculation. Rather, they restrict the one who extracts it with three restrictions mostly agreed by all laws. Therefore, the paper depends on an inductive, analytical, and comparative approach to the Arab laws which legalized provisions of the obligatory will. Consequently, it is found that there are five methods for extraction which are authorized by Egyptian law, Syrian law, Iraqi law, and Yemeni law. Other Arab countries follow the mentioned laws in their calculation. The reason for the diversity and the differences in the solution despite agreement on the principles and restrictions returns to the basis of the method of calculating this will. Thus, they went in two directions, the first one makes it a simulation of an optional will, while the other one makes it a simulation of inheritance. To recap, most of these methods pose issues and problems when applied in the real world. Besides, this paper found that the Egyptian method which is applied in the courts nowadays is the closest calculation approach to the concept of legitimate optional will with one exception of the binding quality acquired by the force of law. If the law has obligated the heirs to do so, then at least the method of dissolving it should be similar to the method approved by the jurists in their jurisprudential sources.


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How to Cite

Akram Saeed, S. (2024). Methods of Calculation for Solving the Issues of Obligatory Will: An Inductive, Analytical and Comparative Study: الطرق الحسابية في حل مسائل الوصية الواجبة: دراسة استقرائية تحليلية مقارنة. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh Studies, 8(2), 6–23.



Arabic Articles