Synonymity According to Uṣūlī Scholars and Its Jurisprudential Effects: A Study of Its Application and Origination

الترادف عند الأصوليين وآثاره الفقهية: دراسة تأصيلية تطبيقية


  • Muhammad Said Almujahed Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Sciences, Collage of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman



Synonymity, origination, application


The research aims to identify the uṣūlī meaning of synonymity, so it provides the origin of its maxims, then brings together the branches of jurisprudence that arose based on those maxims. The issue of synonymity is one of the uṣūlī linguistic issues, which has jurisprudential branches, and from here lies the problem of the research. It is summarized into identifying the meaning of synonymity from uṣūlī and juristic perspectives. The research came to answer the following questions: what are the linguistic and terminological meanings of synonymity? What are the opinions of linguists and uṣūlī scholars regarding its occurrence in the language, the Qur’ān, the Sunnah, and the jurisprudential industry? What are its causes and types? What are the uṣūlī maxims of synonymity and what are their practical implications? The research used inductive, analytical and descriptive approaches. It reached several conclusions, the most important of them are: that linguistically tarāduf (synonymity) is: succession of one thing, and murādif (synonym) is successive; as an uṣūlī term, it is the indication (dalālah) of two or more single words to one meaning according to one consideration; and the preferable view is that synonymity is possible and it occurs in the Arabic language, while it did not occur in the Holy Qur’ān, unlike the Sunnah of the Prophet and the jurisprudential industry. There are many reasons for synonymity. One of them is the multiplicity of Arabic dialects, if it was created by two originators. However, if it was created by one originator, then it has other reasons such as phonetic development, misrepresentation, distortion, and others. And it (synonymity) occurs in the language, law, and customs. The scholars have agreed that each of the two synonymous words takes the place of the other. In the case of synonymous combinations, the preferable view is that it also occurs (in Arabic language), such as nikāḥ and zawāj indicate a contract of permissibility (ibāḥah) of a woman for a man; and such as bayʽ, tamlīk and jaʽl, which indicate the transfer of ownership of a thing to another. One of the uṣūlī maxims of synonymity (tarāduf) is that it is not permissible to use the synonymous word for the opening takbīr of ṣalāh while being able to pronounce Allāh Akbar, whether in Arabic or other languages. However, in case of inability, then it is permissible. As for the rest of the prayer remembrances (adhkār) other than the opening takbīr, there has been a disagreement among the jurists regarding them. According to some of them, it is permissible, and according to others, there are further conditions and details (that must be fulfilled). And finally, the synonymity (tarāduf) is contrary to the basic rule (aṣl).


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How to Cite

Almujahed, M. S. (2024). Synonymity According to Uṣūlī Scholars and Its Jurisprudential Effects: A Study of Its Application and Origination: الترادف عند الأصوليين وآثاره الفقهية: دراسة تأصيلية تطبيقية. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh Studies, 8(1), 37–47.



Arabic Articles