The Roots of Relationship Between Shāfiʽī and Ashʽarī and Their Implication on Uṣūlī Thought: A Historical Analysis

جذور العلاقة ومآلات الفكر الأصولي بين الشافعي والأشعري: دراسة تحليلية تاريخية


  • Belal B. S. Salhab Assistant Professor, Dept. of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, AHAS KIRKHS, International Islamic University Malaysia



Ashʽarī, Shāfiʽī, Uṣūlī Thought


It is evident that the name of Abū al-Ḥasan ʽAlī bin Ismāʽīl al-Ashʽarī is related with the School of Islamic law of Imām Muḥammad bin Idrīs al-Shāfiʽī in many places and circumstances. It is also evident that most of the teachers of Imām Ashʽarī belong to the Shafiʽī School of thought. Simultaneously, several biographers and historians also attributed Imām Ashʽarī to Shafiʽī School of thought while scrutinizing the schools of Islamic Jurisprudence and Uṣūl al-Fiqh. Hence, this study aims to elaborate the reality of the relationship between Imām Ashʽarī and Imām Shafiʽī and explain similarities and differences between them along with the impacts that led to uṣūlī discourse. It is imperative to mention that it is hard to find a clear academic view exploring Ashʽarī’s uṣūlī contribution and its roots that were connected to Imām Shafiʽī in the history and how Imām Shafiʽī influenced this personality (i.e. Ashʽarī) who is considered as an incredible Islamic scholar. In doing so, the researcher will employ the inductive method in identifying the roots of the relationship between these two imāms scattered in the books of Uṣūl al-Fiqh and biographies of scholars. Furthermore, the researcher will employ the analytical method to figure out the fundamental factors of this relationship. Therefore, this study will organise the chapters and parts of this relationship through making comparison between two of them and elaborating their similarities and discrepancies. The article further analysed the developments that took place in uṣūlī thought from the era of Imām Shāfiʽī to the Shāfiʽī scholars whom Ashʽarī met or learned from, down to his uṣūlī thought. Through all of this, the researcher arrived at a clearer picture of the truth regarding the madhhab and uṣūlī thought of Imām Ashʽarī, along with whether, to a certain extent, his uṣūlī thoughts were compatible with that of Imām Shāfiʽī or not.


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How to Cite

Salhab, B. B. S. (2023). The Roots of Relationship Between Shāfiʽī and Ashʽarī and Their Implication on Uṣūlī Thought: A Historical Analysis: جذور العلاقة ومآلات الفكر الأصولي بين الشافعي والأشعري: دراسة تحليلية تاريخية. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh Studies, 7(3), 63–76.



Arabic Articles