Commercial Surrogacy for Muslims of Bangkok, its Causes, Harms and Solutions: A Jurisprudential Field Study

استئجار الأرحام عند مسلمي بانكوك؛ أسبابه وأضراره وحلوله: دراسة فقهية ميدانية


  • Nawawi Arawan Phd Student, Dept. of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, Abdul Hamid Abu Sulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Ghalia Bouhedda Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, Abdul Hamid Abu Sulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Miszairi Sitiris Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, Abdul Hamid Abu Sulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia



Commercial Surrogacy, Family, Uterus, Muslims of Bangkok, Islamic Jurisprudence


The research aims to study the topic of “Commercial Surrogacy for Muslims of Bangkok, its Causes, Harms and Solutions: A Jurisprudential Field Study”. This is because this issue occurred among the Muslims of Bangkok as a result of several causes, while being unaware of the exact Sharīʽah rulings related to this issue. This research deals with the study of the reality of surrogacy among the Muslims of Bangkok in terms of its adherence to Sharīʽah rulings, its causes, and effects on the Muslim minority. The researchers used the inductive and analytical approaches and conducted a field study consisting of personal interviews and follow-ups with some Muslims who are involved in commercial surrogacy, in addition to some judges, imams of mosques and members of the Islamic Committee in Bangkok. The researchers divided the research into two main components. They began with highlighting the definition of surrogacy and the basic concepts related to it, then they touched upon its causes, harms, and solutions in the light of Islamic jurisprudence and field study. Among the most prominent findings of this research is that the Muslims of Bangkok are a minority in a society governed by Buddhist authorities, which led to their lack of knowledge of the Sharīʽah rulings, especially the rulings of contemporary issues related to the Muslim family. The researchers expect from the Muslims of Bangkok to correct their understanding of the issue of surrogacy according to Islamic jurisprudence, and to apply it correctly, avoiding the negative effects of disrupting the family in its construction and stability in accordance with the Sharīʽah objectives in preserving the family.


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Interview with Fatimah Binti Ahmad, a Muslim woman who used surrogacy to get a baby on 31st May 2021 at 8.00 am.

Interview with Asma Binti Ali, a Muslim woman who used surrogacy to get a baby on 1st June 2021 at 10.00 am.

Interview with Abdulaziz bin Yusuf, a Muslim man who choose surrogacy to get a baby on 1st June 2021 at 5.00 pm.

Interview with Ustaz Ali Kongpeng, Head of the Islamic Dakwah Department at the Islamic Committee in Bangkok, Thailand on 11th June 2021 at 7.00 am.

Interview with Ustaz Ismail Jareanchang, Head of the Department of Development in Managing Muslim Affairs at the Islamic Committee in Bangkok, Thailand on 11th June 2021 at 8.00 am.

Interview with Dr. Sirilaksami, Physician in the Reproductive Department of Ram Kham Hing Hospital, Bangkok on 10th June 2021 at 11 am via phone call.



How to Cite

Arawan, N., Bouhedda, G., & Sitiris, M. (2022). Commercial Surrogacy for Muslims of Bangkok, its Causes, Harms and Solutions: A Jurisprudential Field Study: استئجار الأرحام عند مسلمي بانكوك؛ أسبابه وأضراره وحلوله: دراسة فقهية ميدانية. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh Studies, 6(2), 45–58.



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