The Principle of Good Choice of Means of Expression for Direct Fatwa: A Case Study of Issuing Direct Fatwā on the Distance between Worshipers in the Congregational Prayer

ضابط حسن اختيار وسيلة التعبير عن الفتوى المباشرة: الفتوى المباشرة عن التباعد بين المصلين في صلاة الجماعة أنموذجا


  • Mohd Rashid Abdul Razak Lecturer - Centre for Languages and Pre-University Academic Development - International Islamic University Malysia
  • Abdul Manan Ismail Assoc. Prof. - Faculty of Shariah and Law - Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia



Direct Fatwās, Expression, Principle


This research deals with the direct fatwā on the issue of distance between worshipers in the congregational prayer and the extent of its compliance with “the principle of good choice of means of expression used by a muftī for issuing fatwās”, focusing on the direct fatwā issued by the Fatwā House in the state of Kedah. The research uses the descriptive analytical method to describe the essence of the topic and discuss the opinions of jurists on it from the considered jurisprudential references. The researchers came up with Islamic guidelines and values (of using good expression for issuing fatwā) and linked them to the current Malaysian context. The researchers also analyse the direct fatwā from the Fatwā House in the state of Kedah in this regard, and they conclude that this direct fatwā complies with the principle mentioned above.


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How to Cite

Abdul Razak, M. R., & Ismail, A. M. (2022). The Principle of Good Choice of Means of Expression for Direct Fatwa: A Case Study of Issuing Direct Fatwā on the Distance between Worshipers in the Congregational Prayer: ضابط حسن اختيار وسيلة التعبير عن الفتوى المباشرة: الفتوى المباشرة عن التباعد بين المصلين في صلاة الجماعة أنموذجا. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh Studies, 6(1), 60–70.



Arabic Articles