Ways to Address Contemporary Economic Corruption in the Light of Islamic Law
سبل معالجة الفساد الاقتصادي المعاصر في ضوء الشريعة الإسلامية
Economic Corruption, Islamic Law, Reform Program, United Nations’ Program, Economic and Social EffectsAbstract
This research aims to address the economic corruption that has spread in our Islamic societies. This is considered as an attempt to highlight the Islamic vision of the phenomenon of economic corruption, focusing on the most important reasons that led this phenomenon to spread dangerously, with an indication of the economic and social effects of economic corruption in the societies. This research also indicates ways to combat corruption through the United Nations’ program and the international community. The research also refers to the reform program for the economy that limits the spread of economic corruption in Islamic societies. The researcher follows the descriptive and analytical methods in writing this research. It ends with the approach of Islam in addressing economic corruption.
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