Vocabulary of the Prophetic Tradition (Sunnah) between Revelation and Independent Reasoning (Ijtihād)

مفردات السنة النبوية بين الوحي والاجتهاد وسبل الاتصال بين العلم التجريبي ودلالات الوحي


  • Ahmad Salim alKharousi Researcher, The Office of Mufti, Sultanate of Oman




Sunnah, Revelation, Ijtihad, Legislation, Obligation


The human mind is a tool of human knowledge, or rather; it is the stronghold and the basis of accountability. However, it merely stands dumbfounded before the realm of the visible world, bewildered to be able to reach the hidden landmarks of the unseen, the knowledge of which belongs exclusively to the Lord the Exalted, unless He reveals it to someone He chooses to carry His message to His creation. He says: “He is the Knower of the Unseen, and He reveals unto none His secret, except a messenger whom He has chosen: and then He makes a band of watchers march before him and behind him” [The Jinn: 26, 27]. Accordingly, throughout the history, prophecy has acted as the guide and mentor, which is "necessary for the existence and survival of man". There is no way for reason to comprehend the issue of divinity, destiny and the principles of monotheism except through the revelation. Otherwise, it would miss the realm of truth and fall into the realm of wandering and loss. If revelation is the source of different sciences and directs energies towards detailing these sciences and proving them, then it doubtlessly needs to establish its truth in a number of its associated applications. The need for further studies, therefore, is more obvious with regard to the revelation vocabulary emanating from the Prophetic tradition. This is because the incidents of the Sunnah are so abundant, and the truth of their revelation and how they relate to legislation need to be proved. This is a difficult issue in the Usuli lessons today, which, with the presence of rational and other trends in the field of research and publication, needs a careful investigation. Hence, I’m going to take the initiative to write this research paper on the subject of revelation vocabulary of the Sunnah and be honored by its publication in this eminent journal. To study this topic, the researcher uses deductive, analytical and critical methods. This study has concluded several results, most notable among them is the determination that the proof (al-thubūt) is the reference (al-marjaʿ) in determining the extent of relating the material (al-maddah) to the Sunnah that contains act, saying or silent consent (taqrīr) of the Prophet (pbuh); and that the statement that “this is a Sunnah” means that the legislation on its basis is authentic, but it does not establish an obligation because proving a sunnah is a matter, and its indication [to a ruling], which is an obligation, is something else.


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How to Cite

alKharousi, A. S. (2020). Vocabulary of the Prophetic Tradition (Sunnah) between Revelation and Independent Reasoning (Ijtihād): مفردات السنة النبوية بين الوحي والاجتهاد وسبل الاتصال بين العلم التجريبي ودلالات الوحي. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh Studies, 4(1), 58–73. https://doi.org/10.31436/ijfus.v4i1.181



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