The Possibility of Implementing Mushārakah Mutanāqiṣah Contract in Home Financing at Hong Leong Islamic Bank

إمكانية تطبيق المشاركة المتناقصة في التمويل العقاري في هونغ ليونغ إسلاميك بنك


  • Aisyah Humairah Zulqarnain Master Student, Department of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Luqman Zakariyah Assoc. Prof., Department of Fiqh & Usul al-Fiqh, International Islamic University Malaysia



Mushārakah Mutanāqiah (MM) or Diminishing Partnership is one of the financing contracts that comply with Shariah and many Malaysian Islamic banks have introduced this mode of contract into their home financing product except Hong Leong Islamic Bank and some other Islamic banks who have not yet done so. Thus, this research intends to study the possibility of offering MM contract in Islamic Home Financing as a product at Hong Leong Islamic Bank. The researchers conducted a field study through several interviews with the staff working in the product development department and department of Shariah in some of the Malaysian Islamic banks. From the theoretical aspect, the researchers explain the concept of home financing, MM and the fiqh perspective of the subject in question. The responses received during the interviews are used to analyze the possibility of offering MM contract in Islamic Home Financing product at Hong Leong Islamic Bank. This research concludes that there is a possibility for Hong Leong Islamic Bank to do so, should it consider some suggestions presented in this paper.  

Keywords: Mushārakah Mutanāqiṣah, Home Financing, Hong Leong Islamic Bank.


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How to Cite

Zulqarnain, A. H., & Zakariyah, L. (2019). The Possibility of Implementing Mushārakah Mutanāqiṣah Contract in Home Financing at Hong Leong Islamic Bank: إمكانية تطبيق المشاركة المتناقصة في التمويل العقاري في هونغ ليونغ إسلاميك بنك. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh Studies, 3(2), 31–46.