Impact of Human Capital Skills on Corporate Performance: A Case of Islamic Banks in Pakistan


  • Muhammad Mahmood Shah Khan School of Business and Economics, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Sadun Naser Yassin Alheety Faculty of Finance and Administrative Sciences, Al-Madinah International University, Malaysia
  • Barjoyai Bardai Faculty of Finance and Administrative Sciences, Al-Madinah International University, Malaysia



The education system in Islamic Banking and Finance (IBF) is trying to respond to the challenges of a fast-growing industry of IBF all over the world especially in Pakistan. This study examines the impact of human capital skills on the Islamic bank's performance in Pakistan. An empirical quantitative study was conducted using a survey-based research strategy to explore the areas for improvement in education for IBF. The population of this research covers Pakistan's 5 full-fledged Islamic banks and 9 traditional banks having more than 50 Islamic branches. The empirical findings revealed that a clear understanding of Islamic finance is crucial and there is a need to gain more exposure and experience in the banking sector and knowledge. Besides that, a proper education of Islamic banking provides significant impact on the performance of Islamic banks. The study concluded that general banking employability skills possessed by Islamic bank employees has an insignificant influence on the corporate performance of Islamic banks. The study is quite genuine concerning the topic, variables, and the approach used to conduct it.


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How to Cite

Khan, M. M. S., Sadun Naser Yassin Alheety, & Barjoyai Bardai. (2020). Impact of Human Capital Skills on Corporate Performance: A Case of Islamic Banks in Pakistan. Journal of Islamic Finance, 9(1), 076–088.


