Priority of Waqf Development among Malaysian Cash Waqf Donors: An AHP Approach


  • Anwar A. Pitchay Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia
  • Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF), International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Muhammad Yusuf Saleem International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) Malaysia



The practise of cash Waqf is increasingly gaining popularity among the Malaysian Muslim. Waqf institutions (SIRCs) are responsible to utilise the collection of cash Waqf to develop relevant projects in order to benefit the society in general. The purpose of this study is to explore the cash Waqf donors’ priority toward what types of development that fulfilled the current need of the society. Hence, to accomplish this purpose; thirty (30) Muslim employees who have contributed cash Waqf were interviewed. This study employs analytical hierarchy process (AHP) analysis to identify the rank of the developments that priorities by donors. The result shows that the cash Waqf contributors prefer to channel their money for Waqf development in the following rank order: (1) education, (2) health, (3) masjid and madrasah, (4) social-care and welfare (5) trade and commerce (6) environment (7) infrastructure and (8) art, culture and heritage.


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How to Cite

A. Pitchay, A., Meera, A. K. M., & Saleem, M. Y. (2014). Priority of Waqf Development among Malaysian Cash Waqf Donors: An AHP Approach. Journal of Islamic Finance, 3(1).


