Theory of Planned Behavior in Determining Factors Influencing Tourists' Travel Intentions during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Tourism, Knowledge, Theory of Planned Behavior, COVID-19 pandemic, Word of mouthAbstract
After more than a year since the COVID-19 pandemic, almost all worldwide industries, particularly tourism, have been affected by it. Tourism demand dropped as destinations and travel-related enterprises were constrained. This study looked at the elements influencing tourists' travel plans during the COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from the Theory of Planned Behavior, the study considered additional elements that might influence travel plans, such as perceived risks, knowledge, and word of mouth. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO), Bartlett Tests, Principal Axis Factor, Promax Rotation and multiple regression tests were used. According to the findings based on 1,568 usable questionnaires obtained through online convenience sampling, all of the factors were found to affect tourist intention to travel during the pandemic. Despite their relatively small effect sizes, perceived behavioral control was the most important variable, followed by subjective norm, word of mouth, and attitude. The conclusions could help policymakers and industry experts in developing the optimal tourist strategy for winning public trust and generating revenue for the host destination.
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