Hamka on His Concept Of Healthy Soul In Muhammadiyah Organization: A Study Towards The Book Of “Pedoman Hidup Islami Warga Muhammadiyah”




Hamka, Muhammadiyah, Healthy soul


Hamka was among the great Muslim scholars in Indonesia. His teaching had spread around the Archipelago. He was known as the founder of Modern Tasawuf in Indonesia. One of his teachings is the healthy soul. He viewed in his book of Modern Tasawwuf that the healthy soul is like the healthy body which can be measured its temperature. He said that the healthy soul should be maintained by four things; shaja’ah, ‘iffah, hikmah, and ‘adalah. In history, Hamka was one of the leaders of Muhammadiyah Organization in Indonesia. Even though he had passed away, some of his teachings were existed until today. By the development of Muhammadiyah, today they have a book of “Pedoman Hidup Islami Warga Muhammadiyah”. This book become the guidelines of Muhammadiyah Society. Researcher found that the teachings of healthy soul by Hamka is still existed in this book. This research used philosophical approach and the kind of research is library research. The method of collecting data used the documentation method. While data analysis used the descriptive analysis method. Focus of the research is the existence of Hamka’s teaching of healthy soul in the book of “Pedoman Hidup Islami Warga Muhammadiyah”. After the research, researcher found that maintaining four things in the concept of healthy soul by Hamka is exixted in two important topics. First in the Islamic view towards life. Second, in the Islamic view on Islamic life for Muhammadiyah Society.


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How to Cite

SETIAWAN, M. N. H., & KAROMI, K. (2023). Hamka on His Concept Of Healthy Soul In Muhammadiyah Organization: A Study Towards The Book Of “Pedoman Hidup Islami Warga Muhammadiyah” . AL-ITQAN: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES, 8(5), 99–110. Retrieved from https://journals.iium.edu.my/al-itqan/index.php/al-itqan/article/view/273