HAMKA’s Discourse on Sufism in the “Verse of Light”




HAMKA, Sufism, Al-Qur’an, Tafsir al-Azhar, the Verse of Light


This article aims at highlighting HAMKA’s discourse on Sufism in the ‘Verse of Light’ of Surah of al-Nūr in his Tafsir al-Azhar, the first complete Malay commentary of the Qur’an written around 1958-1966. It is well-known that HAMKA had written several earlier works on Sufism including Tasauf Moderen (1939) and Perkembangan Tasauf dari Abad ke Abad (1952). The later was republished in 1978 under Tasauf: Perkembangan dan Pemurniannya combining with his university lecture “Mengembalikan Tasauf ke Pangkalnya” conducted in 1958. Comparing to these works, his Tafsir is more vibrant since the subject is under the realm of the Qur’anic discourse. As such HAMKA has pointed out the position of taṣawwuf in his Tafsīr, namely in Surah al-Baqarah (Juz’ 3), Surah Āli- ʿImrān, Surah al-Aʿraf, Surah Yūsuf, Surah al-Mu’minūn, and Surah al-Nūr, thus can be a source in understanding HAMKA’s discourse on Sufism in the Qur’an. He had highlighted Sufism in the introduction to Part (juz’) 18, the earlier part that he had chosen to write his tafsir beginning from 1958. This research employs the qualitative methodology in which materials are from the Qur’an, books and journal articles. Findings reveal that the “Verse of Light” highlights some aspects of Sufism in which God, prophet, religion as well as human response to it in term of knowledge and practice. It is a discourse in Islamic spirituality. As far as HAMKA is concerned, God is the source of the Divine light which reached to the Prophet as a revelation as well as religion in order to benefit humanity, figuratively employed as the “light” (nūr) to the Heavens and earth. Moreover, the Qur’an uses an analogy to present this Ṣufī discourse in theory and practice. For HAMKA Sufism is an authentic philosophy of Islam (kefalsafahan Islam) as well as a “science” or “knowledge” (ʿilm) in Islam.


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How to Cite

MUHAMAD SHUKRI, A. S. (2023). HAMKA’s Discourse on Sufism in the “Verse of Light”. AL-ITQAN: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES, 8(5), 21–39. Retrieved from https://journals.iium.edu.my/al-itqan/index.php/al-itqan/article/view/269