Exploring ʿIrfān ʿAbdulḤamīd Fattāḥ’s Methodology in the Study of Judaism and Christianity


  • Fatmir Shehu


ʿIrfān ʿAbdulḤamīd Fattāḥ, Judaism, Christianity, objective method, descriptive method


This paper seeks to explore the methodology used by ʿIrfān ʿAbdulḤamīd Fattāḥ, a contemporary Muslim scholar and thinker, in the study of Judaism and Christianity in the light of his two masterpieces on the historical development and major teachings of these religions. The goal of this research is to study Fattāḥ’s original works. Its significance lays in extracting the most important methods deployed by him in the study of these two religions. The descriptive and analytical methods are used through the entire work. The emphasis of discussion is on: (1) Fattāḥ’s brief chronology; (2) factors behind Fattāḥ’s objective of writing on Judaism and Christianity; and (3) Fattāḥ’s methodology. The findings of this research expand the existing literature on comparative religion with the insights of the original works of Fattāḥ on Judaism and Christianity. The contemporary young scholars, who involve themselves in inter-religious studies will benefit from this work remarkably.


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How to Cite

Shehu, F. . (2022). Exploring ʿIrfān ʿAbdulḤamīd Fattāḥ’s Methodology in the Study of Judaism and Christianity. AL-ITQAN: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES, 6(1), 73–86. Retrieved from https://journals.iium.edu.my/al-itqan/index.php/al-itqan/article/view/225