The Qur’anic and Biblical Concepts of God: A Comparative Discourse


  • Dikko Bature Darma Department of Islamic Studies Faculty of Humanities, Umaru Musa Yar’adu University Katsina, Katsina State, Nigeria


God, Allāh, Pluralism, Comparative Religion, Malaysia.


Those who propagate the idea of religious pluralism try to strike middle position among different religious groups. They argue that sharing terms will help build a bridge of understanding between two religions. According to them, the god that is worshiped by all religions is the same, but each religion defines the meaning of God according to its own conviction. In Malaysia this had been a serious issue of controversy when recently the Court of Appeal maintained the ruling of the Higher Court, in favour of the government, that Christians are not allowed to use some Islamic terms namely; Allāh, ka’abah, baitullāh, olāt among others, in translating Bible into the Malay language. The Malaysian Christians’ attempt to use the word Allāh for God began in 1974 with the new initiative of Malay version of the Bible that would replace the Indonesian translation which was then in use. The governments step in as a result of discontent and suspicion that aroused among Malay Muslims, who perceived this as an effort to disseminate Christianity among them, which a constitutional rule forbids in Malaysia. Following some series of court cases, on June 23rd, 2013 the Court of Appeal confirmed the judgment that “Allāh” is not an integral part of Christian faith. Hence, Christian cannot use that term in the Bible translation. However, many Christians and Human Right organizations view this judgment as an attempt by the State to deny Christians right and freedom to freely practice their religion.


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How to Cite

Darma, D. B. (2019). The Qur’anic and Biblical Concepts of God: A Comparative Discourse. AL-ITQAN: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES, 3(1), 29–43. Retrieved from


