Diagnostic Dilemma in Metaplastic Chondroid Breast Carcinoma


  • Farina MY
  • Shahrun Niza AS
  • Saladina JJ
  • Nani Harlina ML
  • Zaireen MN
  • Nurismah MI
  • Rohaizak M




Metaplastic breast cancer is a rare form of primary breast cancer. It contains a mixture of adenocarcinoma with metaplastic elements. It is important to differentiate with primary sarcoma of the breast which carries different treatment strategies and prognosis. A 55-year-old lady previously diagnosed to have a left breast cancer in the year 2000 and carcinoma of the endometrium in 2009, presented with a right breast lump. A trucut biopsy reported as an infiltrating ductal carcinoma with background of chondromyxoid and cartilagenous matrix, most probably metaplastic carcinoma. A wide local excision with sentinel lymph node biopsy was performed, and the final histology was consistent with metaplastic chondroid carcinoma of the breast with no evidence of metastsis. The surgery was followed by adjuvant radiotherapy and currently free from any recurrence. The diagnostic dilemma on this very rare condition is reviewed.


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How to Cite

MY, F. ., AS, S. N. ., JJ, S. ., ML, . N. H. ., MN, . Z. ., MI, N. ., & M, . R. . (2014). Diagnostic Dilemma in Metaplastic Chondroid Breast Carcinoma . IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.31436/imjm.v13i1.495