Temporary Waqf and Perpetual Benefit: A Mathematical Proof


  • Azniza Hartini Azrai Azaimi Ambrose International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Margarita Sergeevna Peredaryenko EMIR Research, Malaysia




Revocable waqf, Temporary waqf, Waqf muaqqat, Social finance, Mathematical proof


Temporary waqf (Islamic pious foundation) possesses great unrealized potential of preserving maslahah (public interest), but to date, has not been given the attention it deserves. Using mathematical representations, a first in the waqf literature, this paper seeks to prove that temporary waqf can still provide a perpetual benefit similar to that of permanent waqf . Logical mathematical derivations suggest that so long as large enough number of similar mauqafs (corpus of waqf) are endowed at different periods in time for similar purposes, the benefit derived from these mauqafs can reach infinity, ceteris paribus. This makes it possible for temporary waqf to provide perpetual benefit, and it may convince regulators, practitioners, and Islamic scholars to consider its wider implementation. This paper also suggests how financial technology implementation could make the aforementioned temporary waqf findings a reality. Furthermore, the mathematical representations used in this study may motivate researchers to come out with quantitative models that include temporary waqf and study its impact on real financial and economic settings. The overall aim of this paper is to re-emphasize the importance of focusing on the perpetual nature of benefits (substance) rather than on the perpetual nature of mauqaf (form). This important shift in perspective can be used to tap into the vast amount of idle assets that could be used to advance social finance and social economy, ensure protection of maslahah, besides ensuring more effective and productive use of existing waqf assets.


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How to Cite

Azrai Azaimi Ambrose, A. H., & Peredaryenko, M. S. (2022). Temporary Waqf and Perpetual Benefit: A Mathematical Proof. International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 30(1), 151–173. https://doi.org/10.31436/ijema.v30i1.965


