Detecting the Framing of Islamic Bank Press Releases: Are They CSR Focused?


  • Tahreem Noor Khan University of Hail, Saudi Arabia
  • Dalia Mohammed Alzubeir Diab University of Hail, Saudi Arabia



Corporate Social Responsibility, Website visibility, Framing, Disclosure, Communication


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a widely known concept in the Islamic banking sector. Because of the lack of disclosure and less visibility of CSR activities, criticism and a lack of trust among stakeholders exist. Trust can be built through CSR, by actively taking part in local communities, health, education, volunteerism, ethical, legal responsibility, and environmental efforts. Positive social contribution and engagement actively improve the organizational image.  Framing is a potentially useful paradigm for examining the strategic creation of public relations messages and audience responses. It helps in understanding “what is happening?” in any activity. This research investigates the focus of ten leading Islamic banks’ press releases from corporate websites. The findings of this research show that framing effectiveness can be viewed as a process and an outcome to resolve challenges. Process framing focuses on “how” organizations use particular processes to achieve objectives, while outcome framing focuses on explaining “what” an organization does to achieve specific results. This study makes an important contribution in addressing enhanced CSR communication and CSR initiatives in Islamic banks. The existing knowledge gap indicates future research directions such as a greater focus on the environment, and CSR initiatives.


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How to Cite

Khan, T. N., & Alzubeir Diab, D. M. . (2022). Detecting the Framing of Islamic Bank Press Releases: Are They CSR Focused?. International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 30(2), 349–376.


