The Effect of Reduced Perceived Financial Well-Being on Domestic Product Purchasing Behavior: The Case of Turkey During COVID-19


  • Mehmet Ali Paylan Bilecik Åžeyh Edebali University, Turkey
  • Yusuf Bahadir Kavas Sakarya University, Turkey



Perceived financial well-being, Prosocial consumer ethnocentrism, Frugality injunctive norm, Frugality descriptive norm, Domestic product purchase


This paper aims at determining whether reduced perceived consumer financial well-being level impacts on the domestic product purchasing behavior mediated by frugality descriptive norms, frugality injunctive norms and ethnocentric tendencies during the economic recession (especially during the COVID-19 period). Accordingly, the data were collected from 513 respondents and structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. The results revealed that reduced perceived financial well-being has a direct effect on domestic product purchasing. Also, prosocial consumer ethnocentrism, frugality injunctive and frugality descriptive norms have a significant mediating effect between these two variables. This paper is the first study conducted during a pandemic period of COVID-19 that caused broader economic recession in Turkey. Testing of a structural model regarding the mediation of the consumer brand loyalty or the local or international identity definition is recommended to future researchers.


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How to Cite

Paylan, M. A., & Kavas, Y. B. . (2021). The Effect of Reduced Perceived Financial Well-Being on Domestic Product Purchasing Behavior: The Case of Turkey During COVID-19. International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 29(2), 331–360.


