Effects of Personal Factors, Perceived Benefits and Shopping Orientation on Online Shopping Behavior in Malaysia


  • John Lee Kean Yew University of Malaya, Malaysia
  • Yusniza Kamarulzaman University of Malaya, Malaysia




Online shopping, Perceived benefits, Purchase intention, Innovativeness, Malaysia


This research investigates how personal factors, perceived benefits and shopping orientation affect consumer willingness to purchase online. Based on statistical analysis of a parsimonious sample drawn from the Klang Valley of Malaysia, this research found that online shopping orientations, perceived benefits and personal characteristics are positively associated with the attitude of purchase intention toward online shopping. This study reveals that shopper behavior mediates the relationship between online shopping orientations, perceived benefits, personal characteristics and purchase intention toward online shopping. Our findings show that trust, innovativeness and perceived benefits are the most common factors motivating consumers to shop online. Though other covariates play a significant role, both utilitarian and hedonic shopping orientations negatively associated and were not significantly associated with attitude to shop online. With a good understanding of target customers, online retailers in Malaysia can develop more effective and targeted online retail operations to meet new Internet shopping customer requirements and expectations aligned with personal factors and perceived benefits.


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How to Cite

Kean Yew, J. L., & Kamarulzaman, Y. . (2020). Effects of Personal Factors, Perceived Benefits and Shopping Orientation on Online Shopping Behavior in Malaysia. International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 28(2), 327–360. https://doi.org/10.31436/ijema.v28i2.727


