Exploring CSR in Ḥalal Industry: Insights from Malaysia
Corporate social responsibility, ḤalÄl industry, Islamic moral economy, ḤalÄl products and services, ḤalÄl consumersAbstract
The ḥalÄl industry in Malaysia has rapidly developed at international level. Not only Muslims provide and consume ḥalÄl products and services nowadays. In fact, it has become a profitable business as it not only fulfills the needs of Muslims but it also captures the interest of non-Muslim consumers. Among the factors for accepting ḥalÄl products and services beside religiosity is globalization. Through globalization and technology advancement, consumers embrace new culture and preference. With growing demand for ḥalÄl products and services focusing on ḥalÄl certification and assurance, the ḥalÄl industry has overlooked the importance of CSR which is important according to Islamic teachings. Therefore, this paper attempts to explore CSR understanding among consumers of ḥalÄl industry in Malaysia. A web survey was carried out with 345 respondents in Malaysia. The results revealed that consumers are highly aware and have knowledge on CSR. Consumers believe that the ḥalÄl industry needs to give back to society, ensure good governance and transparency besides offering quality products and services. The main motivation to perform CSR in IslÄm is religiosity. The study suggests that CSR may contribute to business sustainability by integrating social and economic objectives of the business as imposed in the Islamic moral economy.
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