SME Customers’ Perception on Banking on Shared Value in Bangladesh
Banking on shared value, Creating shared value, Shared value, Small and medium scale enterprise (SME), Strategic corporate social responsibilityAbstract
The perception of SME customers regarding banking on shared value reflects their values, beliefs, and general endorsement of SME products and services offered by banks. In practice, their perception denotes the extent to which they are benefiting from opening and maintaining accounts, depositing and withdrawing money, obtaining loans, maintaining communications and ensuring financial, information, and privacy rights. The results indicate that banks are creating shared value in cases of customer rights, account opening and maintenance, and deposit/withdrawal of money. However, the banks are limiting customer shared value in obtaining SME loans. The study has identified high rate of lending, huge processing costs, unusual delay in sanctioning loans, complexity in documentation and difficulties in providing collateral against loan as the core problems in obtaining SME loans.
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