
  • Sirajo Aliyu Department of Banking and Finance, School of Business Studies, Federal Polytechnic Bauchi, Nigeria.



This research proposes the use of structure, functions, capacities, Islamic moral economic mode, banking business and accountability as consolidated framework for Islamic banking sustainability in Nigeria. The study introduces the framework and assesses its suitability in Nigeria using content analysis of thematic coding units. Qualitative analyses of the six documents were carried out in the research, out of which five of them were issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) drafted the remainder document. The paper
also uses exhortations from the noble QurÒÉn and HadÊth on good practice of morality, justice and equity relating to business and monetary issues. The findings reveal that all themes had met the criterion of acceptability and supported the framework applicability and suitability in Nigeria. It is suggested for the existing Islamic bank (Jaiz) to adopt this proposed framework for its sustenance in the system. Finally, the paper recommends for method and data triangulation in further research.


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How to Cite

Aliyu, S. (2014). SUSTAINABLE ISLAMIC BANKING: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR NON-INTEREST BANKS IN NIGERIA. International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 22(1).


