LAIS, M. A. الإمامة العُظمى في الإسلام؛ جدارةٌ وأهليَّةٌ أم نَسَبٌ وعِرْقٌ؟ دراسةٌ حديثيَّةٌ مقارنةٌ: The Caliphate in Islam: Worthiness and Eligibility or Lineage and Ethnicity? A comparative Prophetic Saying Study. At-Tajdid - Intellectual Refereed Journal, [S. l.], v. 21, n. 41-B, p. 9–44, 2017. DOI: 10.31436/attajdid.v21i41-B.393. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.