Female Subjectivity through Body Dressing and Positioning in Malaysian Advertisements


  • Su Soon Peng, University of Malaya, Malaysia




Most feminist studies on the topics of dress and the female body have been carried out within the context, as well as from the perspective, of the West. Malaysia as a multiethnic country that is at the same time open and exposed to the effects of globalisation offers an interesting case study on the representations of diverse women’s imagemaking and their implications on gendered subjectivity and selfhood. Body dressing and positioning are among the powerful means of representation that construct the subject in a way that furthers the self-advantaging ends of the advertiser. Dress and body-related texts are excerpted from Malaysian print advertisements in selected English dailies for close semiological and discourse analysis in the context of the dominant twin ideologies of patriarchy and Islam. Drawing on a broad feminist theory, the analysis reveals two diametrically opposite overarching themes of oppression and empowerment. Discussion related to these themes addresses the Malaysian context of cultural norms of fashion discourses and the underpinning economic motivation.


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Author Biography

Su Soon Peng, University of Malaya, Malaysia

Su Soon Peng is an Associate Professor with the Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya. She received her doctorate from the University of Lancaster, United Kingdom, which she completed under the aegis of a Commonwealth Scholarship Award. She was on the editorial board of the journal Southeast Asian Review of English for some years. She has published in the areas of stylistics, narrative, feminism and the discourse of advertising.




How to Cite

Peng, University of Malaya, Malaysia, S. S. (2016). Female Subjectivity through Body Dressing and Positioning in Malaysian Advertisements. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature, 10(1), 213–225. https://doi.org/10.31436/asiatic.v10i1.755



Section II: Articles on Journeys of/toward Identity