Dawah Activities towards Youths in Bangladesh: Challemges and Prospects in the Light of Prophetc Model
Bangladeshi youth, challenges of daÑwah, Prophetic daÑwah, ProspectsAbstract
Since the independence of Bangladesh, much daÑwah works have been conducted in various ways either individually or jointly to spread the beauty of Islam. Somehow, these daÑwah entities appear to be less alert to the youth's concerns. As a result, the basic teachings and principles of Islam still remained blurry to the Bangladeshi Muslim youth. As a result, the Muslim youth of Bangladesh is rising to develop anti-Islamic sentiments and thoughts. The present study will examine the claimed issues and concerns as a qualitative study, data collections will depend on textual analysis, contemporary reports, document analysis, and internet sources. Besides, some semi semi-structured interviews will be conducted with the daÑwah experts in Bangladesh. So, the objective of the study will be to set up the major challenges in presenting Islamic daÑwah to the Muslim youth in Bangladesh with the implementation of the Prophetic Method of daÑwah and some recommendations. The constructive proposal will act as a turning point in daÑwah work among the Bangladeshi youth especially and the scholars of contemporary times will get benefit more.
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