The life Experience of the messenger of Allah (PBUH)  And his companions with neighbors


  • نوح علي
  • سعد الدين منصور محمد



neighbors, life experience and companions


This research aims is highlighting the status and dealings of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) r with his neighbors and companions, and mention the hadiths contained in that, and also deals with the behavior of the Companions and their dealings with their neighbors, while showing some of the examples mentioned that show us the extent of the Companions ’cooperation, sympathy, compassion for their neighbors and good treatment. The challenge of this research was that the people tolerated the rights of the neighborhood, and what many neighbors suffer in dealing with their neighbors, so this research came to study this challenge and explain its seriousness, and solved it through models of living the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) r and his companions with neighbors. The importance of this research highlights the need for people to return to the guidance of the Prophet (PBUH) r in their dealings with neighbors, care of his guidance and commitment, in order to obtain the mercy of Allah and deliver from his torment in this world and the hereafter. The research adopted the inductive method in collecting the hadiths contained in the rights of neighbors from the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) r the descriptive and analytical approach in describing and analyzing the intended of the hadiths, and the critical approach in distinguishing the hadiths mentioned in the chapter in terms of authentication and weakness. Among the most important results in the research is that copying and following the Prophet (PBUH) r in treating a neighbor with his neighbor is the only way to solve problems that occur between neighbors, and working with his Sunnah it is the way to find happiness, goodness, blessing, love, and cooperation between neighbors, then lenient with The guidance of the Prophet (PBUH) r On the rights of neighbors is one of the most serious calamities that many people suffer in their lives, and it does not go away except by adhering to the correct Sunnah and working with it. In conclusion, we ask Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, bless us for adhere to his Sunnah, and making goodness to the neighbors.


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How to Cite

نوح علي, & سعد الدين منصور محمد. (2020). The life Experience of the messenger of Allah (PBUH)  And his companions with neighbors. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 4(1), 44–72.