Efforts of Sheikh Zayyat in the Science of readings of Quran


  • Mustafa Alkassas
  • Yousef Al-Awady




The research attempts to shed light on the efforts of Sheikh Ahmed Abdul Aziz Al-Zayyat in the science of reading, using both the method (inductive, descriptive and analytical), and this research aims to introduce Sheikh Al-Zayyat a brief definition, indicating the efforts of Sheikh Zayyat in the service of readings and sciences, Sheikh Al-Zayyat's efforts in the service of the Holy Quran and the review of the Holy Quran, and its methodology in teaching and reading, and his doctrine in some controversial issues, and his concern with editing and investigation with a presentation of his book explaining the revision of the opening of the Quran in editing the aspects of the Koran and clarify the value of scientific, the benefits Which was mentioned in this book, and the achievement of the book of the mayor of the mystical Azmiri, and concluded the researcher at the end of his research to the need to take care of the science of readings and edits, and shed more light on them through meetings, seminars and scientific lectures.


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How to Cite

Mustafa Alkassas, & Yousef Al-Awady. (2019). Efforts of Sheikh Zayyat in the Science of readings of Quran. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 3(2), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.31436/alrisalah.v3i2.166