Rahmatullah al-Kairanawi and His work entitled “Izhar al-Ḥaq”; External Criticism toward Gospel


  • Aisyatur Rabiah Abdullah
  • Maziah Mustapha


Cristicism, Bibles, Rahmatullah, Izhar al-Haq


This study is focused on the critique of Rahmatullah on the Bibles through his book entitled “The Truth Revealed", which was classified as a result of the debate that was known to prevail over the Reverend (Karl Gothlib Pfander) in his debate called "The Great Debate" in 1854. This study based on external criticism in Bibles. The researcher followed the analytical approach by extrapolating his views in his book by demonstrating the truth and by gathering opinions for scholars who had studied them. Despite the many criticisms that have been put to Bibles, the result has been that Rahmatullah is unique in Bible criticism in that her lesson and detail in the Bible's truth have demonstrated the interruption of the bond and its narrative, as well as his critique in illustrating the differences between Bibles in terms of style and expression, indicating that he was invented in external criticism. This study also resulted that Rahmatullah criticism influenced by the approach of criticism used among hadith scholars in hadith criticism. The study suggested that all those who study the books of revelation, or who establish councils and dialogue with non-Muslim among Christian and others, whether from academic scholars, institutions and the department of religious research of the government, should use this approach to establish the truthfulness of the Books of Revelation during their studies in order to reach the desired right and goal.


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How to Cite

Abdullah, A. R. ., & Mustapha, M. . (2021). Rahmatullah al-Kairanawi and His work entitled “Izhar al-Ḥaq”; External Criticism toward Gospel. AL-ITQAN: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES, 5(2), 199–218. Retrieved from https://journals.iium.edu.my/al-itqan/index.php/al-itqan/article/view/205